
The Great Turning Roadshow is science and music in service of personal and social progress. Created by Darryl Purpose and JD Stillwater, it’s an event that will make you think with your heart and feel with your brain. 

JD and Darryl met during the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament, walking from Los Angeles to Washington DC in 1986. That year was seminal for both of them; it was the first time they experienced the power of music performance to affect hearts and minds, and nudge the world toward a better way. 

They soaked up as much learning as they could from the many visitors and supporters of the walk, including Pete Seeger, Jesse Jackson, Jackson Browne, James Taylor, Holly Near, Ram Dass, Daniel Ellsberg, Casey Kasum, Peter, Paul and Mary, and Steve Wozniak.

Support for the walk—and for global nuclear disarmament—was generally strong, but there were some along the way who would shout things like, “You can’t do that in Russia!” So the next year, they did it in Russia, walking from Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) to Moscow with the Soviet/American Peace Walk. 

That walk was celebrated upon their arrival in Moscow by the first-ever outdoor rock concert in the Soviet Union. Darryl and JD shared the stage with Santana, Bonnie Raitt, James Taylor, the Doobie Brothers and others. 

Some years later, they separately began to take their talents on the road, Darryl as a performing singer-songwriter and recording artist, and JD with his unique multimedia presentation on science, “Seven Candles: Science for a Deeper Spirituality.”

Now, they bring Darryl’s award-winning music together with JD’s mind-blowing science to help precipitate a Great Turning, away from extractive and exploitative societies towards a better way of being in the world. As Darryl’s song says, “I wanna live in a world where it all gets better.”